
Few people get excited over air conditioning. Warner Service compiled some statistics that will make you question your energy-consuming habits. Check out our short list (and a few money-saving tips).

  • 84 percent of all homes in the United States have some kind of air conditioning. In fact, the US uses more air conditioning than all other nations combined.

  • It's more common in U.S. homes to have an air conditioning unit than a dishwasher, garage, or dining room.

  • Only 42 percent of homeowners call a professional to perform routine maintenance on their air conditioner. Air conditioners that go through regular HVAC maintenance last 40 percent longer.

    Call Warner Service for a check-up (here’s what a visit from us looks like). For routine maintenance, sign up for a residential service agreement to set it and forget it.
  • 100 million tons of carbon dioxide release into the air annually, which is about 2 tons per home, via air conditioners. 
  • Throughout the second half of the 20th Century, almost all A/C units used chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as their refrigerant, which are harmful greenhouse gases. Some current HVAC systems use halogenated CFCs (HCFCs), but they’re as toxic to the environment. Production of this “eco-friendly” alternative expects to stop by 2030.
  • Turning on the air conditioner in a hybrid gas-electric vehicle results is a greater loss of gas mileage. 
  • 5 percent of all the electricity produced in the US is from residential air conditioning, which cost more than $11 billion to homeowners.

Tip: Programmable thermostats save homeowners up to $180 per year. Install one as soon as possible.

  • If air conditioning were as popular and accessible throughout the world as it is in the US, the greatest demand would be in India, China, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Pakistan.
  • Summer peak electricity demand is about 22 percent higher than the height of demand in the winter.
  • Studies show that about 5.5 percent of U.S. passenger vehicle fuel use goes toward running the air conditioning.

Tip: To save money and gas mileage on a hot day, drivers should turn off the car’s A/C and roll down the windows for cool air. It’ll also saves your car everyday wear and tear. 

  • Most homes spend about $300 annually on running the air conditioning and refrigeration. 30 percent goes toward A/C, 17 percent toward refrigeration, and 4 percent toward fans. Here's how to save a dime or two.

We know a thing or two about air conditioning, but even some of these facts made our jaws drop. From cooling costs in your home and car to which countries need A/C the most, we’re blown away by these statistics.

If you want more money-saving tips, click below to download our HVAC maintenance checklist: 

Click Here For Your Checklist

These facts were with the help of American Scientist, Greentech Media, National Geographic, U.S. Department of EnergyU.S. Energy Information Administration, and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.