Warner Service | Frederick MD HVAC and Plumbing

How To Effortlessly Avoid An Air Conditioner Overload

Written by Warner Service | Jul 20, 2018 1:00:00 PM

The warm weather hits Maryland hard every year.

From 36 inches of snow to a month of rain to 80-degree summer temperatures. With the drastic change in weather, HVAC systems are taking a beating. From hot to cold and back again, units are likely to overload.

Before you blast the air conditioner, learn how to avoid an air conditioning overload.

Close the blinds. Increasing ambiance increases your energy bill.When sunlight pours in from the windows, the air conditioning has to work harder and longer to cool the air that reheats by the sunlight. Invest in heavy curtains designed to block sunlight to keep cool.

Use a fan. Stagnant air feels warmer than the thermostat reads. By circulating the air with a few fans, especially in unoccupied rooms, you eliminate the need for the air conditioner to be running.

Invest in a programmable thermostat. We support the programmable thermostat because it allows you to adjust the HVAC system in advance. If your kids are at summer camp and you’re at work, set the thermostat to kick on the air conditioner an hour before you get home. It saves money, doesn’t sacrifice comfort, and works the A/C less.

Eliminate energy-hungry appliances. Give the air conditioner a break by reducing extra sources of heat, especially between noon and 4 p.m.: 

  • Run a full load of dishes in the dishwasher.
  • Program the dishwasher to a “no heat” drying cycle.
  • Set a timer on the television and computer.
  • Switch to cold water in the washing machine.
  • Limit the amount of cooking with the oven and stove.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Close the refrigerator and freezer doors when not in use.
  • Close the doors to rooms with dehumidifiers.
  • Unplug stagnant electronics like chargers, video game consoles, and microwaves.

Call a professional for routine HVAC maintenance. Without routine HVAC maintenance, the air conditioning stresses. This raises the energy bill and calls for a premature replacement. HVAC experts spot potential problems before they arise and make adjustments to keep the unit running through the summer.

Change the air filters. Changing the air filters is the easiest way to keep the HVAC system running smoothly. Air filters catch hair, dust, and smoke in your home and circulate clean air at an optimal temperature.

Plant trees at least 24 inches away from the compressor to shade the outdoor unit. By keeping the unit out of direct sunlight, you avoid a potential overload. 

It’s important to avoid cranking the air conditioning this summer. By choosing these inexpensive alternatives to cool your home, you save money on the energy bill and give the air conditioning a break.

For more information on how to cool your home, click on the button below for our checklist: