
Have you decided it’s time for a new heating system in your home? In the last few years, great strides have been made in developing heating technology to deliver better results for less energy. In fact, between increased energy costs and maintenance costs, it often makes more sense for you to upgrade to a new heating system rather than try to make your current one last for one more year. In fact, the fall is the perfect time to invest in a new system install because heating season has not yet begun. Your system will be ready to go on the first day you need it! With this in mind, Warner Service has put together this guide to help you find the perfect new heating system for your home this year. Follow these three steps to put you on the right track towards a warmer winter:

Step 1: What Fuel Do You Want To Use?

The first question to ask when considering upgrading your heating system is the type of fuel you would like to use for heating. The most common sources are gas, oil, and electric (heat pump), with natural gas being an option for some. This choice is mostly based on preference, however, and depends on where you would like to put your money. Other factors could include where you like and your utility provider.

Step 2: Efficiency

Next, be sure to look at the efficiency rating on the furnaces you may be looking for. The efficiency of your furnace is similar to the miles per gallon you car uses: it’s the measure of how much energy you get out of your fuel. Efficiency is measured in percentages, with higher numbers being more desirable. For example, a furnace that is 80% efficient delivers 80% of the fuel consumed to the house as heat. The rest, 20% or 20 cents on the dollar, goes up the chimney flue. Electric furnaces and heat pumps are considered to be 100% efficient because the electricity is directly turned to heat without any heat escaping the home. Another new option to consider is high and super efficiency furnace models. These furnaces are usually gas or oil, and use a system of condensation to keep more heat inside the house.

Step 3: Size of the Unit

Finally, the last major step in selecting a furnace for your home heating system is making sure that the size is appropriate. The size that is right for your home is determined by the amount of square-footage in your home. Obviously, the larger your home, the more power will be needed to heat it, however, a system that is too powerful could use unnecessary amounts of energy and therefore cost more in the long run. To find the perfect middle, call Warner Service to have a qualified technician find the perfect size for your individual home.

A new furnace is a huge investment for both your finances and your home comfort. Give Warner Service a call to get on the right track towards a new heating system and a warm, comfortable winter today!