
You know that Maryland weather can be very unpredictable, but one thing you can count on every year is dry air during the winter. Skin starts to crack, lips get chapped, scratchy throats, the whole nine yards. This is especially true if you have drafts or other air leaks in your home, allowing outside air to enter your home without going through your HVAC system. Dry winter air can even be damaging to your home, especially if you have exposed timber in your home. Wood can crack, paint can chip, and airborne diseases and viruses thrive.

To combat this dry air, Warner Service has put together this guide to show you the way to a comfortable home humidity level this winter. There are three major ways to add humidity to your home, and each have their pros and cons:

Do It Yourself Method
The simplest way that you can add humidity to your home is with a couple of little tricks. First, try to keep small, shallow containers of water around the house to introduce that water to the air. This is especially effective when the containers are place on or near heat sources like space heaters, furnace vents, fireplaces, or woodstoves. This works because as the water is heated, it evaporates and turns into steam, adding water to the air in your home. A favorite trick is putting a small pot of water with some orange peel on top of a woodstove to act as a humidifier and an air freshener as it heats.

Another interesting and efficient way to add humidity is with an indoor clothes line or drying rack. Air drying your clothes inside not only introduces water into the air, but it also uses less energy than an electric dryer which saves you money on your utility bill. Finally, the best way to save yourself from dry air without a humidifier is to turn your thermostat down and bundle up, so that less air is being dehydrated through your heating system.

If these sound like too much of a sacrifice or adjustment for your life, and you just want to introduce some humidity into your home inexpensively and easily, check out our next option:

Portable Humidifiers
Most people are familiar with portable humidifiers. Portable humidifiers are small devices that gradually introduce steam into the air around it. These units are not expensive, and can do an excellent job of remedying the harmful dry air. However, these smaller units only introduce humidity to small zones, meaning that if you have one in your living room, your bedroom will still be too dry (and vice versa). You can invest in multiple units for each room, but those costs can add up. In addition, most of these machines do not monitor the air around them and are not adjustable for your individual home situation.

If you want the ultimate in home humidification for your entire living environment, check out the final option:

Whole-Home Humidification Systems
HVAC terms are often simple and to the point; a Whole Home Humidification System is a system that humidifies one’s entire home. These systems are integrated into your forced air heating system, feeding your entire home with humidifying air treatment. In addition, most systems take advantage of sensors and other devices that allow integration with your thermostat. This gives you complete control over the comfort and humidity level of your home.

If you have any questions, or need a little extra help in finding the right humidification system for your home this winter, call Warner Service to have a qualified, trained technician visit your individual home to get you on the right path to a comfortable winter.