
Kids are great, aren’t they? Their naivety and wonder makes us question why we ever raced to be an all-knowing adult. However, with age comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes the ability to partake in nifty fix-it-up house projects.

One of the most common do-it-yourself solutions is fixing your home’s plumbing—and this is where your kids come in.

Their curiosity can lead to everything from a problem with your pipes to learning that certain toys don’t fit down the drain. To spin off the classic television show punchline, here are some of Warner Service’s favorite kid-caused plumbing mishaps that your family probably knows all too well. Presenting “Kids Do the Darndest Things: Plumbing Edition:”

  1. Remodeling the bathroom is a tricky task, especially when it involves cutting open the waste pipe for reconnection. With this step, the opposite-level toilet shouldn’t be flushed until the pipes have been reconnected. It’s all too common that your child didn’t hear you, and, lo and behold, flush. Suddenly, you’re taking an unwanted solid waste shower.
  2. During their childhood, your kid will probably ask for a pet at least once. When you reply, “It isn’t the best time right now,” chances are that they may go find a furry companion on their own. Before you know it the toilet turns into a small bathtub for a squirrel or stray kitten, and your pipes are clogged with animal hair – but look at that cute face.
  3. Happy Meal toys, Hot Wheels and Polly Pockets are a blessing and a curse. These toys occupy your child long enough for you to grab a 30-minute power nap, but they’re all small enough to flush down the toilet or wash down the bathtub drain. Yep, we’ve all been there.
  4. Speaking of baths…bubble baths are a childhood staple. After a long day on the playground, most kids just want to be surrounded by their favorite bath toys and a million perfumed bubbles. Though, when they figure out how it all works, putting bubble soap down the toilet and flushing makes for a beautifully-scented mess. Should we pop the bubbles or mop first?
  5. It takes some wisdom to know how much toilet paper you need for each sitting, but for kids, it requires about half the roll every time. Sometimes, they even throw in the cardboard roll because why not? Cue the clog thanks to something that is actually supposed to be flushed. 
  6. Some older houses come with pipes that are not conducive to taking a hot shower and flushing the toilet simultaneously. You try to warn your kids about this: “Don’t flush the toilet while the hot shower is running. It’ll turn the water cold.” Yet it’s to no avail because the reaction from the person taking a cold shower is too good to pass up. You got me good, kid.

At least one of these six harmless scenarios has probably occurred in your home before. Maybe a few of them have happened more than once, or maybe we missed one that’s special to your child’s “curiosity.” However, no matter the slight catastrophe (and whether your child is responsible for it or not), Warner Service is here to help solve all of your plumbing problems. From clogged drains and rusty pipes to rescuing a Barbie doll from the depths of the toilet bowl, our friendly experts can get the job done quick. Contact Warner Service today.