In 2008, the Institute of Directors, a business organization for company directors, senior business leaders, and entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom, conducted a survey of more than 500 companies. The results concluded that around 60 percent of these businesses didn’t have an energy-saving program, and they were losing billions per year by failing to make efficiency improvements.
Warner Service wants to help. Here’s a list of easy to implement changes that can save local business owners money on monthly energy bills:
- Use incandescent bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) or light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs) can save your business between 20 to 25 percent on your bill. They also last longer than incandescent light bulbs, so you’ll save on buying replacements, too.
- Install solar panels. Many commercial properties don’t like the look of solar panels or claim that they’re too expensive. However, business owners can save hundreds with this renewable alternative. Purchasing solar panels also coincides with Maryland’s eco-friendly habits in preserving the environment.
- Unplug your technology. Companies should unplug any electronics and machinery at the end of the day. Another easy money saver is putting computers into “hibernate” mode or turning them off completely. This will result in less wear and tear, so you’ll save on replacements and repairs.
- Properly seal your office. Even small drafts in windows and doors can cost your business big bucks. Call a professional for an energy audit, and see what they can do about eliminating those air leaks.
- Buy a programmable thermostat. If no one’s in the office, why is the air conditioner blasting? A programmable thermostat, which can be operated via a smartphone or tablet, can prevent your A/C from working when it doesn’t need to. Benefits of a programmable thermostat also include saving money on replacements and repairs.
- Upgrade to ENERGY STAR appliances. Opt for energy-efficient ENERGY STAR appliances like computers, telephones, tablets, central air conditioners, furnaces, water coolers, and more.
- Consider letting your employees work from home. Some companies require their employees to be present during office hours, but if everyone can work remotely once in awhile, business owners can save money on powering up the office for a full day’s work.
- Paint the roof white. A study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Heat Island Group found that buildings with white roofs required up to 40 percent less energy for cooling than those with black roofs. If painting is too time-consuming, call a contractor to retrofit the roof with a heat-reflective material or re-cover it with a waterproof surface.
- Schedule a regular maintenance check-up. Being an entrepreneur can be more than a full-time job, but scheduling HVAC and plumbing check-ups should be at the top of your to-do list each month or so. If you need a little help, here’s our hands-off guide to facility maintenance planning.
- Landscape with a purpose. A well-placed tree or shrub can deliver effective shade, act as a windbreak, and reduce your energy bill. Purposefully placed trees outside the office can save up to 25 percent and result in indoor temperatures that are 3 to 6 degrees Fahrenheit cooler.
We know what it takes to run and maintain a successful business, but we also know how to keep a home and office eco-friendly. By combining the best of both worlds, Warner Service can help your business save some cash with these few "green" tips.
If you want a few more tricks or would like to schedule a maintenace check-up, contact us by clicking below.